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Chords of Grey

Chords of Grey was orig­i­nal­ly released on 2010 to huge acclaim in the world of black and white land­scape pho­tog­ra­phy and received no less than six awards. This high­ly col­lec­table and sought after 83 page cloth bound book is lim­it­ed to 750 copies, many of which have been sold. In 2020, 50 copies were dis­cov­ered in box­es in stor­age and this is your oppor­tu­ni­ty to own a copy of this rare book.

"There are only 50 copies of this book available"

Chords of Grey is a col­lec­tion of pho­tographs tak­en over sev­er­al decades of Paul’s jour­ney through the land­scapes of north­ern Eng­land and the remote Scot­tish High­lands. All the pho­tographs in the book were made from large for­mat cam­eras and each sheet of film was hand processed by Paul himself.

"Without doubt for me one of the most amazing sounds of nature is the sound of the coast. The coast instills a certain inertia in me. Time to wonder and think. Time to soak up the openness, flatness and elements of weather makes time unimportant."

Each beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed copy of Chords of Grey is pre­sent­ed in a cloth bound slip case and is signed, stamped and num­bered by Paul Gal­lagher. This book is real­ly a piece of art in its own right and will be cher­ished and returned to time after time.

"There are two editions - limited and special - your choice"

There are only two edi­tions of this book. The lim­it­ed edi­tion of which there are only 35 copies and a spe­cial edi­tion with an A4 print signed stamped and num­bered. You will have a choice of 1 of 3 images (see below) to choose from. There are only 5 copies per print of the spe­cial edition.


Ship­ping is £10 to the UK, £30 to Europe, Gibral­ter, Ice­land, Isle of Man and Switzer­land, £40 to the USA, £50 to Aus­tralia and New Zealand and £100 to oth­er destinations.

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Chords of Grey