Making the Print
Online School
Sorry, there are currently no dates available. If you are interested in future dates, please join the waiting list below.
Join The Waiting ListThis online photography workshop is about establishing what images mean to you, and you the photographer being in control and producing work that connects and strikes a chord in you. We are all inspired by the work of other photographers both professional and amateur, but if we compare our work to those practitioners, does it deliver the same message or have the same ‘voice’, impact? More importantly, we must ask ourselves why we like the work so much.
Given the success of our online courses in recent years, we have been reflecting on how much we, and all the photographers that we have worked with, had enjoyed their time. Until now, much of what we have taught has been based on how to process and interpret images, from a raw camera file to finished fine art print. Although looking at these processes is hugely important to achieving a high quality output, it explores little about the photographer themselves.
Almost all of the photographers we have worked with over the years are pursuing a certain ‘look’ in their work, they want their images to have that ‘feel’ and essence about them. It may be darkly printed black and white images, or images that lift your spirits and raise a smile in the viewer. Either way, you must strive to make images consistence and in line with your visual signature, and this is what this new online workshop is all about.
This is not all about adjustment sliders and dialogue boxes, but about the impact of your work and how you can make it individual to you. It is always truly enlightening to move on from techniques to the narrative in the photograph, after all, as photographers we are all trying to communicate visually.
You will be set tasks that will encourage you to go away and explore how your work will evolve and flourish through self reflection. Regular catch up online sessions will be held to discuss progress and share ideas on how further development can be harnessed and Paul and Michael will be there throughout your journey to help you nurture your personal style with individual one to one sessions.
Our group online sessions will be held for 2 hours at 7.00pm UK time on the 13th, 16th, 21st and 24th November 2023. 1 to 1 sessions will be scheduled at times mutually convenient to yourself and your tutor during each week of the course.
“First of all, thank you both for your help and encouragement, and your excellent advice on my images. I found the course interesting and challenging.I enjoyed the practical nature of the course, working with our own images to develop styles. I have attended lectures before about creativity and style, but I learnt more from creating panels than any amount of theoretical advice.
Although I have put panels together in the past they have always been panels of similar subjects. Putting together a panel with a wide range of subjects but a recognisable style was initially a very daunting idea, but I am really pleased to have done it.” JH
“When I started this course I wasn’t sure what to expect, but in the event I thoroughly enjoyed it. The tasks set by Paul and Michael were both challenging and stimulating and helped me to look at my work with a fresh eye, and overall I took a lot away from the course. The work of the other members of the group was quite inspirational and has encouraged me to try something outside my normal comfort zone. If similar courses are run in the future I would highly recommend any who wants to push themselves a bit in their photography to join.” MP
“I thought the course was brilliant. I think the 1 to 1 worked very well and you compliment each other so well in the many areas are covered. I really enjoyed the challenges and also enjoyed immensely seeing other people’s work.Thanks for all your efforts and helping me move on.” BH
2 weeks
Given the 1 to 1 aspect of this workshop participants are limited to 6 people
Weekly group in depth online sessions
Two 1 to 1 sessions with Paul Gallagher or Michael Pilkington to explore and develop your style
Free access to our online course - The Power of Adobe Camera Raw or Mastering the Lightroom Develop Module
Follow up group session after the course has finished
Recordings of all group sessions and your own 1 to 1 sessions
Anything not mentioned
Sorry, there are currently no dates available. If you are interested in future dates, please join the waiting list below.
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