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Ardnamurchan & Kintyre - Scotland's Tranquil Peninsulas

12th - 18th October, 2025 - with Mark Lawrence - Ardnamurchan & Kintyre - £1,795.00 (£359.00 Deposit) - Now Booking

Much of Scotland’s landscape can be described as rugged and dramatic but there are pockets of this wilderness that see few people visit them and are best described as places of absolute tranquillity. For this new tour we have brought together two of these, Ardnamurchan and Kintyre.

We will begin meet­ing every­one in Glas­gow and head north west from there. We will begin our tour at Ard­na­mur­chan which is prob­a­bly the most remote of the West High­land Penin­su­las and is home to the most west­er­ly point on the British main­land stay­ing in the sleepy vil­lage of Achar­a­cle. Because of its remote­ness it remains a beau­ti­ful and peace­ful land­scape fea­tur­ing ancient oak wood­lands, lochs and beaches.

We will explore the coast and wood­land exten­sive­ly, allow­ing time to take in both the spec­tac­u­lar views towards the inner isles of Coll and Rum and the more seclud­ed bays with fas­ci­nat­ing inter­tidal areas. We will vis­it the ancient wood­lands that flank Loch Sunart and the two huge glacial-cut lochs, Loch Shiel and Loch Sunart, nes­tled in the land­scape and each are sur­round­ed by a rich and diverse vari­ety of woodlands.

Beach­es have beau­ti­ful names like the Singing Sands and Samala­man Bay that boast white sands that look out over the Inner Isles of Eigg, Rum and Muck to the south­ern tip of the Isle of Skye. The beau­ty of Ard­na­mur­chan is bound­less and it often feels like the land that time forgot.

After spend­ing time in Ard­na­mur­chan the adven­ture con­tin­ues as we head south towards Kin­tyre. This day will not sim­ply be a day of trav­el, but one filled with many pho­to­graph­ic loca­tions to choose from such as the moun­tain views from the shores of Loch Linnhe, the ancient trees of Bar­cal­dine For­est or the stun­ning coast at Loch Melford. There are too many to list here but a lunch stop at the pic­turesque fer­ry town of Oban is a must! That evening we will arrive at our sec­ond hotel, the West Loch Hotel sit­u­at­ed just out­side the tran­quil fish­ing vil­lage of Tar­bert at the top on the Kin­tyre Peninsula.

Kin­tyre is a 30 mile long penin­su­la that runs from Tar­bert in the south­west of Argyll and Bute its norther­ly point, down to its most souther­ly point, the Mull of Kin­tyre and at no point does it exceed 11 miles across. Because of its shape, Kin­tyre has two very dif­fer­ent coastlines.

To the west where the sun sets there are sandy beach­es with gin clear waters that look out over to the isles of Jura and Islay. The east­ern coast­line is only accessed by small B’ roads and is a haven of fas­ci­nat­ing wave-cut rock for­ma­tions in many rocky bays that look out over the calm water of the Kil­bran­nan Sound and offer the most astound­ing views of the Isle of Arran from any­where in Scotland.

We will vis­it both these coast­lines dur­ing our time in Kin­tyre and explore, Skip­ness, and Claon­aig along with Ronachan, Chleit and the huge sandy beach of West­port Bay as well as ven­ture into the ancient oak forests above Car­radale and at Kil­ber­ry. Kin­tyre is often over­looked by pho­tog­ra­phers who head north on the A82 towards Glen­coe, but we can assure you it is a land­scape rich in diver­si­ty and pho­to­graph­ic oppor­tu­ni­ties. After our days in Kin­tyre we will grad­u­al­ly head north along the banks of Loch Gilp, Loch Fyne and past the mighty Loch Lomond on our way to Glasgow. 

7 days

1 leader with a maximum of 6 participants


Loch Shiel Hotel Ardnamurchan & West Loch Hotel Kintyre

The price includes extensive one to one coaching and tuition, bed and

breakfast accommodation in a high quality hotel (no single occupancy


Travel from and back to our meeting point in Glasgow

Camera and travel insurance as well as travel to and from the venue are

also not included.

Meals not mentioned.

Alcoholic drinks and other

personal expenditure is not covered either

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Ardnamurchan & Kintyre - Scotland's Tranquil Peninsulas