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Arctic Norway Winter Adventure

4th - 13th February, 2026 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Chris Cullen ARPS - Lofoten and Senja - £3,850.00 (£770.00 Deposit) - Now Booking

This Arctic Adventure enables you to explore the very best of two of the most jaw-dropping landscapes Norway has to offer. We will begin our travels by spending 5 nights in Leknes in the heart of the Lofoten Islands. You will spend your time explor­ing the water’s edge of many fjords beneath the spi­ralling snow-capped moun­tains and expe­ri­ence the clas­si­cal Scan­di­na­vian archi­tec­ture of the small Nor­we­gian fish­ing vil­lages and har­bour towns with red stilt­ed hous­es and the fas­ci­nat­ing struc­tures of the Nor­we­gian fish dry­ing racks.

Dur­ing the work­shop we will explore the coastal areas of Reine, Nus­fjord and pho­to­graph the ice pat­terns on Stor­vat­net and Self­jor­dan beneath the tow­er­ing spires above. The beach­es of Lofoten are stun­ning and we will be vis­it­ing many of them includ­ing Uttak­liev, Flak­stad and Hauk­land. We will trav­el to the very south­ern tip of the penin­su­la at Sor­vagen and far as north as Unstad to name but a few loca­tions. In Lofoten, there is not a turn in the road that does not open up a vast array of pho­to­graph­ic jewels.

On day 6 of our Arc­tic Adven­ture we head north to Norway’s sec­ond biggest island, Sen­ja where we will be based for a fur­ther 4 nights. It would be quite easy to con­sid­er the island of Sen­ja to be an exten­sion of the land­scape of its more souther­ly cousin, Lofoten, but it is not. There are some sim­i­lar­i­ties, but Sen­ja has a unique char­ac­ter of its own that offers very dif­fer­ent pho­to­graph­ic oppor­tu­ni­ties and is approx­i­mate­ly 450 kilo­me­tres fur­ther north into the Arc­tic Circle.

We will vis­it Ska­land with its views over to the mighty moun­tains of Bergsoy­an, Stien­fjord and Ers­ford­stran­da with its open beach that offers a per­fect van­tage point to pho­to­graph the dis­tant moun­tains. No trip to Sen­ja would be com­plete with­out explor­ing the plateaus of rock at Tun­ge­ne­set, where in the dis­tance we will see the omi­nous crag­gy spires of Oksen, Staven and Ram­nen as they jut-out of Eris­fjor­den, com­mon­ly known as​“The Dev­ils Teeth”. 

Fur­ther south we take the road from Hamn across the high open plateau and over the moun­tain pass above Grylle­fjord where the almost ver­ti­cal sides of Sturen and Bukketinden drop abrupt­ly into the waters below. 

This work­shop has been specif­i­cal­ly timed so that you will be here dur­ing the spec­tac­u­lar win­ter months which offer some of the most amaz­ing win­ter con­di­tions in the world. Anoth­er rea­son we have cho­sen this par­tic­u­lar time of year is because there is a very strong chance of you wit­ness­ing the auro­ra bore­alis dur­ing the evenings. Paul and Michael have pho­tographed the auro­ra on many vis­its to artic Nor­way and will be on hand to make sure you get the best of this amaz­ing the­atre of light!

10 days

2 leaders with a maximum of 8 participants

Easy - underfoot can be slippery due to snow and ice so grippers of some description are advised.

Various high quality hotels

The price includes extensive one to one tuition during the workshop, accommodation (on a bed and breakfast basis). No single occupancy supplement. Travel during the workshop. Entrance Fees where applicable. Airport Transfers .

Travel to and from the location and personal bills such as bar bills, meals not listed. Travel and camera Insurance.

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Arctic Norway Winter Adventure