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Chile and the Bolivian Altiplano Photography Adventure

28th April - 7th May, 2025 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Mark Lawrence - Chile and Bolivia - £8,150.00 (£1,630.00 Deposit) - Now Booking

The landscapes of Bolivia and Chile are some of the most staggering the world has to offer. During this brand new adventurous tour you will encounter deserts, high plains and vast salt flats that are truly unique.

We are always look­ing for land­scapes that have inspired our lead­ers that will also inspire pho­tog­ra­phers who trav­el there with us. This par­tic­u­lar tour has been on our wish list for some years and we are very pleased to invite you along. This is a pho­tog­ra­phy tour like no oth­er, vis­it­ing some of the most spec­tac­u­lar land­scapes our plan­et has to offer. Dur­ing our 10 days togeth­er, we will vis­it the Ata­ca­ma desert in Chile before cross­ing the bor­der into Bolivia, vis­it­ing the awe inspir­ing salt flats, lakes and moun­tains of the Altiplano 

We will begin our amaz­ing adven­ture in Chile we will vis­it the Val­ley of the Moon, Lake Teben­quinche – the lake of haunt­ed waters along with The Rain­bow Val­ley and The Monks rock for­ma­tions. The colours of this min­er­al-rich land­scape must be seen to be believed and as we will ded­i­cate our time on loca­tion around pho­tograph­ing in the qui­ite light of sun­rise and sun­set. There will be time to relax in our base in Chile, the bustling and friend­ly town of San Pedro de Atacama.

Trav­el­ling into Bolivia, we will be trans­port­ed into an almost lunar land­scape of out­stand­ing beau­ty. Our local guide and our 4×4 vehi­cles will ensure we can access all areas of the amaz­ing Uyu­ni salt flats, includ­ing Pesca­do Island, Bell Island, the Pyra­mid Islands and a salt mine. You will be stag­gered and in awe of the sheer scale and tran­quil­li­ty of these salt flats – this is a place like no other.

Our trav­els through Bolivia will see us gain alti­tude as we vis­it loca­tions like Lagu­na Verde, Lagu­na Blan­co, and Lagu­na Colara­da where we will see wit­ness the flamin­gos in the red waters. We will also expe­ri­ence the Siloli and Dali deserts, includ­ing the famous rock tree. 

As well as being immersed in some of the most stun­ning land­scapes of this part of the world we will find time to vis­it some of the towns and vil­lages includ­ing the famous loco­mo­tive grave­yard in Uyu­ni, and for those inter­est­ed in the night sky, hope­ful­ly take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pho­to­graph the arc of the Milky Way, thanks to the won­der­ful­ly dark skies.

You will have Paul Gal­lagher FRPS and Mark Lawrence on hand through­out the tour to help you get the most from your pho­tog­ra­phy in in these incred­i­ble environments.

This is an adven­ture tour of a life­time that is not to be missed!

The tour will start and fin­ish in San Pedro de Ata­ca­ma, com­menc­ing after lunch on day 1 for an afternoon/​sunset shoot. San Pedro de Ata­ca­ma can be reached eas­i­ly from Cala­ma air­port, which has fre­quent flights from San­ti­a­go. Details of air­port trans­fers can be pro­vid­ed after book­ing. We rec­om­mend arriv­ing at least a day before the work­shop starts to accli­ma­tise, rest and enjoy San Pedro de Ata­ca­ma where you can book many local tours.

Weath­er – we have cho­sen this time of year so that sun­rise and sun­set are man­age­able. The weath­er is expect­ed to be large­ly dry with some chance of rain. Tem­per­a­tures will be low at sun­rise, pos­si­bly as low as ‑10 degrees Cel­sius but day­time tem­per­a­tures are pleasant.

10 Days

2 Leaders and 6 Participants

Moderate, although most of the locations are within a 5 to 10 minute walk from our vehicles. We are at high altitude and therefore walking will be more demanding. This could affect people of all levels of fitness. We have planned this tour to gain altitude gradually to help mitigate this.

Various hotels

The price includes one to one tuition during the workshop.

Accommodation (on a bed, breakfast and dinner basis). No single occupancy

Travel during the workshop. Local professional drivers.

English speaking guide.

Entrance fees where applicable.

Travel to and from the workshop location.

Tips for drivers/guides (which are customary).

Meals not mentioned.

Camera and travel insurance.

Personal expenses such as bar bills.

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Chile and the Bolivian Altiplano Photography Adventure