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Photograohy Workshop - Sunset Bamburgh Castle by Mark Lawrence aspect2i

Exploring Northumberland - Coast And Country

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This will be Aspect2i’s first workshop in Northumberland and, given the beautiful coast and countryside, it is a gap we have taken too long to fill, especially as we know it is on many of your bucket lists. With vast skies, stunning beaches and rolling hills, there is a feast of locations to both tempt and excite you.

Photograohy Workshop - Groyns Long Exposure by Mark Lawrence aspect2i

Dur­ing this work­shop we will, of course, explore the coast and cas­tles at well-known loca­tions such Bam­burgh and Dun­stan­burgh and whilst there we will also have time to explore and pho­to­graph the inter­est­ing rock for­ma­tions and dunes which are often over­looked but are of inter­est to the land­scape pho­tog­ra­ph­er. We will also explore oth­er parts of this fas­ci­nat­ing coast­line, includ­ing the rocks and sea defences at Spit­tal, the only west fac­ing har­bour on the east coast at Bead­nell, the vis­tas of Budle Bay, and, of course, the world famous Holy Island of Lindisfarne.

Photograohy Workshop - Woodland In Mist by Mark Lawrence aspect2i

Whilst many work­shops vis­it the Northum­ber­land coast alone, at Aspect2i we know that there are also many hid­den gems to be explored and pho­tographed inland. For this rea­son, we will also allow time to vis­it some less well-known spots includ­ing the won­der­ful woods in the Harthope Val­ley, a stone cir­cle, a water­fall and St Cuthbert’s Cave. These loca­tions will allow you to cap­ture more indi­vid­ual images in addi­tion to the won­der­ful Northum­ber­land vistas.

Photograohy Workshop - The Northumberland Coast by Mark Lawrence aspect2i

With the Cheviot Hills to the west we will also look to take advan­tage of any pre­vail­ing weath­er con­di­tions that allow us to cap­ture the many and var­ied views towards the Cheviots and Scot­tish Bor­ders. The change­able weath­er at this time of year means that the light is won­der­ful and should allow you to cap­ture some unique images.

Photograohy Workshop - Northumberland Misty Sunset Mark Lawrence aspect2i

For this work­shop you will be in the capa­ble hands of Paul Gal­lagher assist­ed by Mark Lawrence who know both the area and land­scape pho­tog­ra­phy very well. They will be avail­able to pro­vide plen­ty of hands-on 121 tuition to help you get the most from this pho­tog­ra­phers’ paradise.

Photograohy Workshop - Northumberland Sea Meets Sand by Mark Lawrence aspect2i

5 Days

Limited to 8 photographers to eneble your tour leader Paul Gallagher and Mark Lawrence to maximise thier time with you should you need it.


Dunstanburgh Castle Hotel, Embleton

View Accommodation

The price includes extensive one to one coaching and tuition, bed and breakfast accommodation in a high quality hotel (no single occupancy supplement) during the workshop.

Camera and travel insurance as well as travel to and from the venue are also not included. Meals not mentioned. Alcoholic drinks and other personal expenditure is not covered either.