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Expressions in Black and White - A Photography Retreat

Expressions in Black & White - A Photography Retreat

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Black and white photography is about appealing to the viewer to see the world about us in an entirely different way. It departs from the literal and initiates thought and emotion that can be delicately guided by the photographer who made the image. Working in black and white sees the photographer electing to ignore the vast array of colours in the image and skilfully exploit all the 256 shades of grey at their disposal.

Cre­at­ing a black and white image is a huge devi­a­tion to cre­at­ing a colour image and one that all pho­tog­ra­phers should explore dur­ing their pho­to­graph­ic jour­ney. It requires both a dif­fer­ent way of see­ing, a change in the mind and the nur­tur­ing of an apti­tude to reveal the sump­tu­ous images that can be made. It is these dif­fer­ences in skills that we will focus on dur­ing our time togeth­er and har­ness­ing an under­stand­ing of the dif­fer­ences that will enable you to become a black and white artist. In some ways, when con­sid­er­ing black and white pho­tog­ra­phy, the input of the artist can be more impor­tant than the sub­ject or real­i­ty and the raw cam­era file serves only as the start­ing point.

All expres­sive black and white images start with the mind and the soul of the pho­tog­ra­ph­er and your vision of how you see your sur­round­ings. It is this expres­sion of vision and the abil­i­ty to delve greater into your cre­ative work which is some­thing that we will explore in depth dur­ing this Retreat. Through shar­ing and dis­cus­sions, we will explore how pho­tog­ra­phers want their work to look. We will endeav­our to be curi­ous and unveil the hid­den world beyond colour and objective

Through­out the Retreat Paul Gal­lagher and Michael Pilk­ing­ton will work with you side by side to encour­age and devel­op your approach to your work and help you with black and white image inter­pre­ta­tion, image edit­ing and mak­ing prints. Black and white pho­tog­ra­phy is not about strict rules that sti­fle expres­sion, so we want you to express your­self in what­ev­er way you choose. No mat­ter what your lev­el of expe­ri­ence we will be there to encour­age and inspire in an entire­ly non-judge­men­tal way.

For this retreat we have cho­sen two main envi­ron­ments in which to work, the wood­lands and heath­lands of Sus­sex. We will encour­age you to take your time and devel­op a vision of how you would like the land­scape you are sur­round­ed by to look like in black and white. We will have a ded­i­cat­ed room back at our hotel in which we can hold dis­cus­sions and work in peace and tran­quil­li­ty. Paul and Michael will hold evening lec­tures to share their expe­ri­ences of work­ing in black and white over many years. Dur­ing our time you will enjoy the high­est qual­i­ty accom­mo­da­tion and fine meals which are all included. 

Each pho­tog­ra­ph­er will pro­duce a unique port­fo­lio of three A2 prints on a paper of their choice which will be pre­sent­ed in a fine art port­fo­lio box. 

5 Days

2 Leaders with a maximum of 6 Participants


Lythe Hill Restaurant and Spa

View Accommodation

A unique experience exploring your own photography in black and white

Full board accommodation in the luxurious Lythe Hill Hotel (no single occupancy supplement) during the workshop

Transportation during the workshop

Extensive coaching and tuition from two highly acclaimed black and white photographers.

Evening lectures

Three A3+ prints of your work created during the workshop and presented in a portfolio box

Lifetime access to our online course 'The Essentials of Black and White Editing'

Travel to and from the workshop location

Camera and travel insurance

Personal expenses such as bar bills