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Luskentyre by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

Harris and Lewis - The Outer Isles

12th - 17th March, 2025 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS - Hebrides, Scotland - Fully Booked - Join The Waiting List
21st - 26th March, 2026 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS - Outer Hebrides - £1,995.00 (£495.00 Deposit) - Now Booking

The Outer Hebrides, also known as the Western Isles and 'The Long Island' is an island chain of the West Coast of mainland Scotland that runs from Barra Head to the Butt of Lewis to a distance of 210 kilometers. Even today, they are still regarded as very remote islands and have an entirely different feel to mainland Scotland.

This set of islands is exten­sive with 15 islands being inhab­it­ed along with a fur­ther 50 that are unin­hab­it­ed. Our work­shop here con­cen­trates on the Isles of Har­ris and Lew­­is and dur­ing the work­shop and we vis­it many of the amaz­ing and world-renowned beach­es such as Lusken­tyre, Siele­bost, Hor­ga­bost, Huisi­nis and Uig Bay.

There is some­thing very spe­cial about the coast of the Hebrides with a sense of iso­la­tion and des­o­la­tion as you stand on pure white sands on the edge of the turquoise Atlantic Ocean. This wild west­ern loca­tion is sub­ject­ed to the con­stant chang­ing of the weath­er com­ing across the Atlantic and often deliv­ers brood­ing skies and giant rolling waves. Along with the pris­tine beach­es, are the count­less rock coves with geol­o­gy that dis­plays some of the old­est rocks on the sur­face of the earth, the 3000 mil­lion year old Lewisian Gneiss. It is not uncom­mon to spend hours walk­ing the beach­es and not see anoth­er soul.

Dur­ing the pho­tog­ra­phy work­shop we will trav­el exten­sive­ly through Lewis and Har­ris, and no work­shop would be com­plete with­out stop­ping to pho­to­graph the Stand­ing Stones of Callan­dish. The Hebrides is often regard­ed as one of the loca­tions on the Buck­et List’ of land­scape pho­tog­ra­phers and it is one that will remain in your mem­o­ries for decades to come. 

You will be spend­ing plen­ty of time out with your cam­era where you will get plen­ty of 1 to 1 tuition with that will include both tech­ni­cal aspects of land­scape pho­tog­ra­phy as well as the art of good com­po­si­tions. Dur­ing our stay on the Out­er Hebrides we will ded­i­cate spe­cif­ic time to an image review. We find these are par­tic­u­lar­ly use­ful giv­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty for feed­back on your images and also dis­cov­er­ing what oth­er peo­ple have cap­tured from the same loca­tions that you have vis­it­ed. The diver­si­ty of inter­pre­ta­tion is always astounding.

Sand Patterns by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

One of the aims of this pho­tog­ra­phy work­shop is to delve deep­er into how you want to por­tray these beau­ti­ful islands with their amaz­ing coast­lines. We will active­ly encour­age cre­ativ­i­ty and the free­dom to take your time, soak up the moment and explore your­self as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er. Paul Gal­lagher FRPS and Michael Pilk­ing­ton FRPS will be on hand through­out the entire work­shop to work with you and har­ness your individuality.

Because The Out­er Hebrides is one of the most remote parts of the UK we can help by offer­ing you free return trans­port from Pre­ston to the Hebrides, which also includes your return fer­ry tick­et from Ullapool to Stornoway. 

6 Days

2 leaders with a maximum of 8 Participants


The Harris Hotel

View Accommodation

The price includes extensive one to one coaching and tuition, bed and breakfast accommodation in a high quality hotel (no single occupancy supplement) during the workshop.

Free return transport to the Outer Hebrides from Preston including return ferry tickets.

Camera and travel insurance. Travel to and from the venue unless arranged directly with Aspect2i to and from Preston. Meals not mentioned. Alcoholic drinks and other personal expenditure is not covered either.

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Harris and Lewis - The Outer Isles