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Learn From The Experts - An Intensive Image Editing Course

28th April - 16th May, 2025 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS - Online - Fully Booked - Join The Waiting List

This intensive three week online course is to show you how to handle the most up to date image techniques which have changed hugely over the past few years. The technology does not stand still, and photographers are always on the lookout for new platforms that can help their images improve, but they often don’t help because tools alone cannot do this!

It goes with­out say­ing that you may have the best cam­eras and lens­es and be afford­ed the oppor­tu­ni­ties to trav­el into the best land­scapes, but if you can­not mas­ter image edit­ing you will nev­er achieve the results you deserve. We have been teach­ing image edit­ing for over a decade now, but we still see many tal­ent­ed pho­tog­ra­phers that present images to us that are not real­iz­ing their potential.

It’s very easy to get lured into the best plug-ins and sit for hours mak­ing notes watch­ing YouTube videos, but what you are often learn­ing is what the tools can do, not how and when to apply them, and if they are ever need­ed in the first place.

Paul Gal­lagher and Michael Pilk­ing­ton have changed the way they use the tools to process their images enor­mous­ly over recent years in reac­tion to mod­ern cam­era sen­sors improv­ing at break­neck speed along with image edit­ing plat­forms. They spend day after day see­ing pho­tog­ra­phers’ images and offer­ing advice on how to get the best from them. Their com­bined expe­ri­ence and work­flow is sec­ond to none and as up to date as they can be!

Dur­ing this course we will be pro­cess­ing your images because you are the peo­ple that want to learn how we do this. There will be demon­stra­tions, lec­tures and you will see Paul and Michael trans­form your files into an image that could com­fort­ably grace the pages of any pho­tog­ra­phy mag­a­zine or proud­ly hang on any wall. This course will con­cen­trate on how, why and to what extent you may need to use cer­tain tools, but also how to keep the process sim­ple allow­ing your­self to cel­e­brate your image com­ing to life rather than wor­ry­ing about com­pli­cat­ed menus and dia­logue boxes.

The meet­ings will take place between 4pm and 6pm GMT, Mon­day, Wednes­day and Thurs­day dur­ing the first week, Tues­day, Wednes­day and Fri­day the sec­ond week and Mon­day, Wednes­day and Fri­day the last week. For each meet­ing we will be shar­ing tech­niques of pro­cess­ing group mem­bers indi­vid­ual images and each ses­sion is record­ed and shared with the group. We will not be able to process every­one’s images dur­ing each ses­sion, so if you are unable to attend, we will process your images dur­ing ses­sions that you can attend.

We will be work­ing with your exist­ing library of images so there is no need to go out and get new images dur­ing this workshop.

There will also be three 1 to 1 ses­sions sched­uled dur­ing the course and we will have reg­u­lar inter­ac­tive online ses­sions as a group where you will be sent away to revis­it your image files and retrace what you have been shown. All ses­sions, both group and 1 to 1, will be record­ed and shared with you and will act as an up-to-the-minute learn­ing mate­r­i­al for your onward progression.

Even if you have attend­ed one of our image edit­ing work­shops in the past, and are still using those tech­niques, much has changed and there will be things you can take away from this course that will make your fin­ished images even more impressive.

3 Weeks

A maximum of 10 participants with 2 Tutors


Regular group in depth online sessions working through your images

Three 1 to 1 sessions with Paul Gallagher or Michael Pilkington to explore your interpretation of your images

Free access to our online course - Bringing Your Images to Life

Recordings of all group sessions and your own 1 to 1 sessions (up to 20 hours of recordings)

Anything not mentioned

Join The Waiting List

Learn From The Experts - An Intensive Image Editing Course