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Learn From The Experts - Realising The Potential of Your Raw Files

8th - 19th September, 2025 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS - Online - £645.00 - Now Booking

Very often when we first take a look at our catalogue of we choose to edit the images that look best as a thumbnail ignoring the photographic gems that maybe more difficult to process. This course aims at showing you what you are probably missing out on and how simple that potential is to harness.

When we are out with our cam­eras we make expo­sures of scenes we find beau­ti­ful or fas­ci­nat­ing and after our day is done we head back home. This is only the begin­ning of our jour­ney and often the most excit­ing part is yet to come in bring­ing the raw files back to life.

All too often the process of image edit­ing or post pro­cess­ing is thought of as a per­plex­ing and elab­o­rate ven­ture and can be unap­peal­ing. Many pho­tog­ra­phers do not rel­ish this part of the pho­to­graph­ic jour­ney. It should be enjoyed with the results being excit­ing! Image edit­ing has moved on so much in the last few years that tech­niques we learned some time ago are now very much out­dat­ed. This course explores how edit­ing has changed and how much bet­ter it now is and how to realise the poten­tial in your raw files.

We believe that the com­ple­tion of the pho­to­graph­ic jour­ney, the process of see­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ties of the RAW cam­era file through to the fin­ished image, is one that should be a con­sid­ered approach, rather than one of chance. It should also be enjoyed. We have been teach­ing image edit­ing for many years but things are now very different.

As cam­era sen­sors have made huge tech­ni­cal advancements,and along with this, image edit­ing soft­ware is noth­ing like it was even a few years ago, post pro­cess­ing tech­niques have changed vast­ly. If you’re inter­est­ed to learn these new basic and advanced tech­niques to get your images to a new lev­el, then this course is for you. 

As pho­tog­ra­phers, often our main aim is to share our work with oth­ers. We ded­i­cate time to get­ting out there with our cam­eras and explore what­ev­er genre inspires us, but the ulti­mate aim is to fin­ish this jour­ney with a fin­ished image, and often, a fin­ished print that we can be proud of sharing.

Most of what we see on YouTube only serves to con­fuse and makes image edit­ing com­pli­cat­ed and frus­trat­ing. Through­out this work­shop we want to give you a thor­ough under­stand­ing of sim­ple tools for basic, as well as advanced, tech­niques to cre­ate spec­tac­u­lar pho­tos. We will share our new approach to image edit­ing, what mis­takes to avoid, and give you plen­ty of in depth advice on how to make your images stand out. There are many cours­es out there that teach pho­tog­ra­phers how to use Adobe Light­room & Pho­to­shop that are either too gener­ic or very tech­ni­cal often leav­ing you feel­ing unin­spired or over­whelmed. This work­shop is different.

You will have Paul Gal­lagher FRPS and Michael Pilk­ing­ton FRPS on hand who will give lec­tures and demon­stra­tions as well as work­ing with you on your images. They have decades of teach­ing image edit­ing and print­ing so you will be in the very best hands.

Dur­ing this course we will be pro­cess­ing your images because you are the peo­ple that want to learn how we do this. There will be demon­stra­tions, lec­tures and you will see Paul and Michael trans­form your files into images that could com­fort­ably grace the pages of any pho­tog­ra­phy mag­a­zine or proud­ly hang on any wall. This course will con­cen­trate on how, why and to what extent you may need to use cer­tain tools, but also how to keep the process sim­ple allow­ing your­self to cel­e­brate your image com­ing to life rather than wor­ry­ing about com­pli­cat­ed menus and dia­logue boxes.

The group meet­ings will take place between 4pm and 6pm GMT on the 28th and 30th April, the 7th and 9th April. For each meet­ing we will be shar­ing tech­niques of pro­cess­ing your indi­vid­ual images and each ses­sion is record­ed and shared with the group.

We will be work­ing with your exist­ing library of images so there is no need to go out and get new images dur­ing this workshop.

In addi­iton, there will also be four 1 to 1 ses­sions sched­uled dur­ing the course All ses­sions, both group and 1 to 1, will be record­ed and shared with you and will act as an up-to-the-minute learn­ing mate­r­i­al for your onward progression.

2 Weeks

A maximum of 10 participants with 2 Tutors


Regular group in depth online sessions working through your images

Four 1 to 1 sessions with Paul Gallagher or Michael Pilkington to explore your interpretation and editing of your images

Free access to our online course - Bringing Your Images to Life

Recordings of all group sessions and your own 1 to 1 sessions

Anything not mentioned

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Learn From The Experts - Realising The Potential of Your Raw Files