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Route 66 - Remnants of the American Dream

9th - 17th April, 2025 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS - Western America - Fully Booked - Join The Waiting List
9th - 17th April, 2026 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS - Western USA - £4,450.00 (£880.00 Deposit) - Now Booking

Route 66 has long hailed to the heyday of the classic American dream known as the Mother Road it is possibly one of the most famous highways on the world and still to this day boasts motels, gas stations and has been the inspiration for rock and roll songs for decades.

In recent months whilst run­ning tours across Mon­tana and North Dako­ta we remem­bered anoth­er Amer­i­can road trip we ran in 2014 along Route 66 and recalled the neon signs dur­ing the blue-hour and the din­ers that seemed to be fixed in a time when the Amer­i­can Dream was very much alive and kicking.

Being on the road again and speak­ing to the farm­ers and truck dri­vers, the thought of trav­el­ing part of Route 66 again with a tour seemed a very nat­ur­al exten­sion to what we had enjoyed there.

Well, we have decid­ed to go again! we have care­ful­ly retraced our steps, added many more exit­ing loca­tions that we did not have time for when we last vis­it­ed, and hav­ing gone through all this plan­ning, we have the per­fect Route 66 road trip ready to go as promised!
Route 66 was by far one of the most famous high­ways in the world and it orig­i­nal­ly spanned two and a half thou­sand miles from Chica­go to Los Ange­les. Clear­ly, we will not be trav­el­ing the entire route, but we have cho­sen the very best trea­sures that remain today.

We will begin with all of us meet­ing up and begin­ning our adven­ture in Amar­ril­lo in Texas before we head west to the aban­doned towns along this stretch of The Moth­er Road” such as Glen­rio and San Jon. We will stay in the amaz­ing town of Tucum­cari for two nights which is still a thriv­ing town lit­tered with rem­nants of the hey­day and where the world-famous Blue Swal­low Motel still wel­comes guests. 

As we trav­el futher west will stop to pho­to­graph the famous Art Nou­veau style Route 66 Din­er and we will be stop­ping at towns en route such as Grants and Gallup which are lit­tered with old rust­ing clas­sic cars, gas sta­tions, motels and clas­sic Amer­i­can din­ers. We will not be dash­ing through. We will spend time explor­ing these fas­ci­nat­ing places, each of which has its own unique arti­facts, all of which offer a wealth of pho­to­graph­ic oppor­tu­ni­ty. Each day will be packed with char­ac­ter, fun and quite frankly bizarre places, not to men­tion the peo­ple we will meet along the highway.

Towns that are a must vis­it’ are Hol­brook with the icon­ic Wig­wam Motel which was inspi­ra­tion for the Dis­ney Cars” movie, and of course we will be stop­ping at Winslow which was the inspi­ra­tion for the Eagles song, Take It Easy” which fea­tured the lyrics, Well, I’m stand­ing on a cor­ner in Winslow Arizona”.

There are too many places and sights to men­tion here, but rest assured it will be the trip of a life­time full of expe­ri­ences and one that will con­clude with a night in Las Vegas where we can pho­to­graph the lights of this icon­ic casi­no city. What a road trip this will be vis­it­ing Texas, New Mex­i­co, Ari­zona and fin­ish­ing in Nevada!

9 Days

This tour will be limited to just 7 participants with 2 leaders


The price includes extensive one to one tuition during the tour and accommodation. No single occupancy supplement. Travel during the workshop. Entrance Fees where applicable. Pick up from Albuquerque and drop off at Las Vegas at agreed times.

Travel to and from the location and personal bills such as bar bills, meals not listed. Travel and camera Insurance.

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Route 66 - Remnants of the American Dream