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A Woodland Photography Masterclass

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If you have ever thought that your photographs of woodland do not show the essence of the moment when you were stood there with your camera, then this three day Woodland Photography Masterclass was designed just for that.

Most peo­ple live not far from wood­land, albeit a small copse in a local park or huge forests extend­ing for miles and miles. Wood­lands are a fea­ture of most the the UK land­scape that we, as land­scape pho­tog­ra­phers, have access to and they can present us with end­less oppor­tu­ni­ties to make won­der­ful photographs.

To many pho­tog­ra­phers, wood­lands seem to be one of those envi­ron­ments that are dif­fi­cult to pho­to­graph. They are chaot­ic and com­plex and appear to be an obsta­cle to any attempts to cre­ate a good com­po­si­tion or to con­vey what you are see­ing and feel­ing. Tree trunks grow at strange angles, branch­es often criss-cross through the field of view or annoy­ing­ly poke in from the side of the frame. They are a chal­lenge to pho­to­graph, of that there is no doubt. The aim of this Mas­ter­class is to share with you the skills need­ed to cher­ish wood­land pho­tog­ra­phy and pro­duce images that rep­re­sent the moment you were there.

We have cho­sen the won­der­ful sur­round­ings of Burn­ham Beech­es for this Mas­ter­class. This beau­ti­ful Nation­al Nature Reserve con­sist­ing of almost 1000 acres of beech wood­land is rich in diver­si­ty with many of the trees stand­ing at over 200 years old and has been in exis­tence since the last ice age. In con­trast, we will also be vist­ing Stoke Com­mon which is an open heath­land flanked by small conifer and Sil­ver Birch woods. These loca­tions are with­out doubt a wood­land pho­tog­ra­pher’s par­adise and the per­fect loca­tion to immerse your­self into mas­ter­ing wood­land photography.

You will be encour­aged to sim­ply take your time, allow the wood­land reveal itself to you and for you to devel­op a com­mu­nion with your sur­round­ings. There will be no rush­ing around to get to dif­fer­ent places as we want you to breath in the calm of the wood­land and make pho­tographs that will become a unique port­fo­lio of the way you see them. Rather than images that are tech­ni­cal­ly cor­rect with good his­tograms and accu­rate focus, this work­shop will delve into orig­i­nal­i­ty and authen­tic­i­ty. All approach­es to pho­tog­ra­phy will be wel­comed. We want you to cre­ate a col­lec­tion of images that will nev­er been repeat­ed, one that is derived from a pho­tog­ra­ph­er that has shut out the out­side world and has become enveloped by the woods.

3 Day

A maximum of 6 photographers with 2 Leaders


The Bull Hotel Gerrards Cross

View Accommodation

A unique experience exploring your own woodland photography

Bed and Breakfast accommodation in the The Bull Hotel (no single occupancy supplement) during the workshop

Transportation during the workshop

Lectures and demonstrations on woodland photography and image interpretation and editing

An A2 print of one of your images

Extensive coaching and tuition from two highly acclaimed photographers

Travel to and from the location.

Travel and camera Insurance

Personal expenses such as bar bills

Meals not mentioned