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Ressesions at Gairloch by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

The Art Of The Print - A Photography Retreat

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During this photography retreat we will share images and discuss why the image was made and how it can deliver a meaningful message. We will delve into the various ways of refining your images ready for print. It is not important what the subject matter may be, but how you can continue your communion with that subject right through to the finished print.

Mellon Udgrigle Beach by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

Since the advance­ment of dig­i­tal pho­tog­ra­phy more images are being tak­en than ever before but how many of us real­ly think that the fin­ished image is wor­thy of being made into a print? Print mak­ing is a skill that has been around for hun­dreds of years, but even today, there is a cer­tain val­ue and exquis­ite­ness about hold­ing that print in your hands as the pho­tog­ra­ph­er. It is undoubt­ed­ly the final step in the pho­to­graph­ic journey.

Yosmeite Valley by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

There are so many choic­es to hand both when we are inter­pret­ing our images and choos­ing the paper to print on. Many of these choic­es often serve only to con­fuse us and make the jour­ney more com­pli­cat­ed than it needs to be. Dur­ing this retreat we will of course cov­er tech­ni­cal aspects of image edit­ing, but our main focus will be on mak­ing prints that reflect your expe­ri­ence when you made the expo­sure. Is the image one that con­veys fragili­ty or sub­tle­ty in tone, or would bold colours and con­trast con­vey the best nar­ra­tive? These are all con­sid­er­a­tions we need to make.

Birch in Blizzard Hokkaido by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

A pho­tog­ra­ph­er has to ask how they want their pho­to­graph to feel’ when it is print­ed, and does it deliv­er that true essence that made you reach for your cam­era. Unlike many Light­room and Pho­to­shop cours­es, we want to encour­age con­ver­sa­tions about cre­at­ing prints that say a lot about you as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er along with teach­ing you the tech­niques to achieve this. There are mil­lions of image files out there on stor­age devices, but how many will be nur­tured, enabling them to become a piece of art in their own right? 

Abandoned Schoolhouse Montana by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

Dur­ing this pho­tog­ra­phy work­shop we will share images and dis­cuss why the image was made and how it can deliv­er a mean­ing­ful mes­sage. We will delve into the var­i­ous ways of refin­ing your images ready for print. It does not impor­tant what the sub­ject mat­ter may be, but how you can con­tin­ue your com­mu­nion with that sub­ject right through to the fin­ished print.

Woodland  Study by Michael Pilkington aspect2i

Most impor­tant­ly we want you to feel free to express your­self as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er and explore your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. Paul Gal­lagher and Michael Pilk­ing­ton will be on hand to dis­cuss and work with you to make your prints come alive by shar­ing image inter­pre­ta­tion tech­niques and print mak­ing skills. The key to all of this is sim­plic­i­ty. Paul and Michael will be using approach­es that have evolved and changed over the past ten years and have been sim­pli­fied using Light­room, and Pho­to­shop. We will hold dai­ly demon­stra­tions and indi­vid­ual 1 to 1 ses­sions and will encour­age you to refine your approach.

Cuillin Mountains Isle of Skye by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

To make this expe­ri­ence as relax­ing and enjoy­able as pos­si­ble, we have cho­sen the beau­ti­ful sur­round­ings of Char­ney Manor where you will enjoy the high­est qual­i­ty accom­mo­da­tion and fine meals which are all includ­ed. We will have our own pri­vate room in which we can meet each day, and you will enjoy evening lec­tures from Paul and Michael about their own image jour­neys and print mak­ing. Each par­tic­i­pant will return home with three A3+ fine art prints pre­sent­ed in a fine art port­fo­lio box. You will also have unlim­it­ed access to our online course Mak­ing the Print’ pro­vid­ing you with all the tech­ni­cal back­ground you will need to sup­port you in your jour­ney to mak­ing an exhi­bi­tion qual­i­ty print.

Sunset Flakstad Mountains by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

Whether you print at home your­self or send out your fin­ished images for print­ing this work­shop is equal­ly applic­a­ble to you.

Loch Maree by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

3 Days

This workshop is limited to 6 participants only

Fully residential

Charney Manor, Oxfordshire

View Accommodation

A unique experience exploring your own photography and how to print it

Full board accommodation (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in the luxurious Charney Manor (no single occupancy supplement) during the workshop

Extensive coaching and tuition from two highly acclaimed photographers

Evening lectures

Three A3+ prints of your work created during the workshop and presented in a portfolio box

Free lifetime access to our online course 'Making The Print'

Travel to and from the workshop location

Travel insurance

Personal expenses such as bar bills