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The Chilterns In Infrared

13th - 16th May, 2025 - with Mark Lawrence - Chiltern Hills - Fully Booked - Join The Waiting List
29th September - 2nd October, 2025 - with Mark Lawrence - Chiltern Hills - £1,450.00 (£290.00 Deposit) - 3 Places Left

Located just over 30 minutes from London the Chiltern Hills are easily accessible and yet beautifully tranquil. Almost half of the Chilterns have been designated an area of outstanding natural beauty, offering a variety of vistas across this chalk downland formed over 65 million years ago.

In addi­tion to the beau­ti­ful vis­tas there are many woods that togeth­er pro­vide a won­der­ful can­vas for Infra-Red pho­tog­ra­phy and, whether this is you first for­ay into the amaz­ing world of infra-red, or you already have some expe­ri­ence, this work­shop pro­vides the ide­al oppor­tu­ni­ty to devel­op your skills. 

With just over 20% of the Chilterns being cov­ered in wood­land it is one of the most heav­i­ly wood­ed areas in Eng­land and with many of the woods sit­ting atop the chalk escarp­ment that runs across 4 coun­ties, we will be able to cap­ture both inti­mate and enchant­i­ng infra-red wood­land images whilst nev­er being more than a few min­utes away from wider views across the hills.

We will vis­it Coombe Hill locat­ed near to the ham­let of Dun­smore. The major­i­ty of the hill (an area of 106 acres) once formed part of the Che­quers Estate but is now owned by the Nation­al Trust. At 850 feet above sea lev­el, it sits on one of the high­est and most strik­ing spurs of the Chilterns, com­mand­ing a wide view of the Vale of Aylesbury. 

Here there are both inti­mate wood­land scenes and wider views of the sur­round­ing land­scape and, if we are lucky, the mist might roll in and pro­vide us with some very dif­fer­ent pho­to­graph­ic opportunities.

We will stop at Iving­hoe Bea­con, the start­ing point for the Ridge­way long dis­tance path, and enjoy the views across the chalk downs towards Dun­sta­ble and beyond. Near­by we may drop into Dock­ey Wood and the near­by Ashridge estate with its exten­sive wood­lands, both pro­vid­ing bound­less infra-red opportunities.

Fur­ther along the escarp­ment we will spend some time on the Ick­nield Way, an ancient track­way that runs from Wilt­shire to Nor­folk, and pop into the woods beside the Aston Rowant Nation­al Nature Reserve.

As well as vis­it­ing wood­lands and vis­tas we will also make time to vis­it the fas­ci­nat­ing Site of Spe­cial Sci­en­tif­ic Inter­est (SSSI) at Stoke Com­mon, one of the largest remain­ing areas of heath­land in the Buckinghamshire.

Through­out the work­shop your leader, Mark Lawrence, will be on hand to offer one-to-one tuition on loca­tion to help you get the most from your time togeth­er. Back at our com­fort­able hotel base there will be time for image reviews and edit­ing with each par­tic­i­pant going home with at least one image print­ed on A2 paper. 

In addi­tion to being an expe­ri­enced infra-red pho­tog­ra­ph­er, Mark is based on the edge of the Chilterns and knows the area well, so will be able to make sure you get the most from this workshop.

The loca­tions we will vis­it are all with­in a few min­utes of our cho­sen park­ing spots, although if you wish to explore a lit­tle fur­ther afield you will be wel­come to do so.

4 Days

1 leader with a maximum of 6 participants


The Bull, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire

The price includes extensive one to one coaching and tuition, bed and breakfast accommodation in a high quality hotel (no single occupancy supplement) during the workshop.

Camera and travel insurance as well as travel to and from the venue are also not included. Meals not mentioned. Alcoholic drinks and other personal expenditure is not covered either.

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The Chilterns In Infrared