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The Highlands of Iceland

28th July - 4th August, 2025 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS - Iceland - Fully Booked - Join The Waiting List
27th July - 3rd August, 2026 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS - Iceland - £6,450.00 (£1,290.00 Deposit) - Now Booking

The Highlands of Iceland, only accessible for a small part of the year, offers a unique landscape that you will not find anywhere else. Mountains that exhibit the full rainbow of colours, black sand desets stretching for miles, jagged peaks thrusting out of the earth and volcanoes laying dormant. This is a landscape photography tour that will enthrall and delight.

For any­one who has vis­it­ed Ice­land it is appar­ent from the moment you arrive that it is a unique­ly beau­ti­ful place and offers a lifetime’s work for the land­scape pho­tog­ra­ph­er. Aspect2i have been vis­it­ing Ice­land for many years run­ning tours along the dra­mat­ic south coast and also in the north begin­ning at Akureyri and vis­it­ing amaz­ing vol­canic fea­tures like Myvatn Lake. Many of the places we have enjoyed in the past, and are still enjoy­ing very much to this day, are main­ly acces­si­ble from the one main road that cir­cum­nav­i­gates Ice­land; Route 1.

Whilst these places will nev­er fail to amaze, there is a vast area of Ice­land that can only be accessed in the sum­mer months, the High­lands of Ice­land. As the win­ter arrives the access roads are com­plete­ly snowed in and are total­ly impass­able. Even in the sum­mer months when these dirt tracks, or F’ roads, are open, they are only allowed to be trav­elled by 4×4 vehi­cles. The rea­son for this is quite appar­ent when you make your first expe­di­tion into these remote lands. The place is wild!

If you have vis­it­ed and con­sid­ered oth­er parts of Ice­land as diverse, then this high­land land­scape is like nowhere else in Ice­land, in fact, nowhere else in the world! We will be based in The High­lands Hotel, the last hotel where the roads change from tar­mac to grav­el, and we head into the moun­tains and high plateaus from there. We will be using spe­cial­ly adapt­ed 4×4 vehi­cles for the entire trip to access some of the many areas we have dis­cov­ered there. 

You will be tak­en to vast areas of black lava fields close to the Hel­ka Vol­cano, have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to stand on the banks of the mighty crater lakes of Vei­div­otn, and walk the length of the Sigal­da Canyon won­der­ful­ly known as the Val­ley of Tears. Oth­er-world­ly fea­tures we will also expe­ri­ence are the vol­canic crater cones that have filled with water and have become huge lakes like Ljotipol­lur Lake and Hnausapol­lur Lake which can be seen from a high viewpoint.

As well as the Luna-like land­scapes in which some of the more recent vol­canic erup­tions have tak­en place, we will dri­ve into the won­der­ful green, lush and colour­ful land­scape of Land­man­nalau­gar. This has to be seen to be believed, and at this time of year the snows of last win­ter nes­tle on the moun­tain flanks mak­ing the land­scape appear as though it was a water­colour paint­ing. There are too many places to men­tion here but you will expe­ri­ence an Ice­land that you have nev­er seen before on a scale that is unimag­in­able. This will be an adven­ture far away from the nor­mal­i­ties of life dur­ing the day, and one which will see you leave roads behind, cross rivers in 4×4 vehi­cles, and pho­to­graph a land­scape with a raw beau­ty that will leave you in awe. 

8 Days

This tour is limited to 6 particpants with 2 leaders.

There will be lots of travel in our specially adapted 4x4 vehicles, some walking and limited hill climbing. Overall effort easy to moderate.

Various Hotels

The price includes extensive one to one tuition during the workshop, accommodation (on a bed and breakfast basis) No single occupancy supplement. Travel is in specially adapted 4x4 vehicles during the workshop (max 3 clients per vehicle).

Travel to and from the location and personal bills such as bar bills, meals not listed. Travel and camera Insurance.

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The Highlands of Iceland