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The Isle of Eigg

2nd - 7th March, 2026 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS - Isle of Eigg - £2,550.00 (£510.00 Deposit) - 3 Places Left

The Isle of Eigg is one of the Small Isles nestled in the Inner Hebrides and is often regarded as having the most dramatic coastline in the whole of Scotland. With beaches and fascinating geology that look out to the Isle of Rum and its mountains, there is a lifetimes work in this one spectacular place.

Whilst we run pho­tog­ra­phy tours through­out the world and rel­ish in the expe­ri­ences of trav­el, land­scapes and cul­ture, we have always enjoyed the times we have learned how oth­ers have seen’ the places we have vis­it­ed and gained an under­stand­ing of what it meant to them.

We have cho­sen the Isle of Eigg for this Retreat pure­ly for its astound­ing beau­ty and tran­quil­li­ty. We will meet at the fer­ry port in Mal­laig and leave the world behind tak­ing the cross­ing to the island where we will be met by our hosts and dri­ven to our beau­ti­ful accom­mo­da­tion. All meals are includ­ed, and we have our own pri­vate meet­ing room where we can dis­cuss the images we have tak­en that day. Many pho­tog­ra­phers that have pho­tographed Scot­land say that the Isle of Eigg is the most beau­ti­ful place in Scot­land they have ever seen.

Dur­ing our time in these breath tak­ing sur­round­ings, we will be ded­i­cat­ing our time to just two loca­tions, The Singing Sands and the world famous Bay of Laig, both of which are just a short walk from our accom­mo­da­tion. You will be encour­aged to take your time and relax into the expe­ri­ence of being there and make pho­tographs that will come togeth­er as a unique port­fo­lio to you. We will not be dash­ing around, but enjoy­ing con­tem­pla­tive times in one of Scotland’s most stun­ning landscapes.

Through­out the Retreat you will have Paul Gal­lagher and Michael Pilk­ing­ton on hand to share and dis­cuss your work and guide you through any image inter­pre­ta­tion, post pro­cess­ing, and print­ing tuition. We will encour­age you to con­nect with the world about you and work slow­ly. What­ev­er your lev­el of expe­ri­ence, we will be there to encour­age and inspire in an entire­ly non-judge­men­tal way.

Each pho­tog­ra­ph­er will return home with a port­fo­lio of three A2 prints made on a paper of their choice and pre­sent­ed in a fine art port­fo­lio box. You will also have free life­time access to our online course Mak­ing The Print’ so you can con­tin­ue your jour­ney after you Isle of Eigg Retreat.

If you want to vis­it a loca­tion in the Scot­tish High­lands that is abound in beau­ty and seren­i­ty and return home with prints that encap­su­late the essence of this place, then this Retreat is not to be missed! 

Trav­el Arrangements

We will meet at the fer­ry port of Mal­laig on the first day of the work­shop where we will take the morn­ing cross­ing to Eigg. It is advis­able to stay close to Mal­laig the evening before to ensure you make this ferry.

Sea­son­al cancellations

Occa­sion­al­ly, due to weath­er con­di­tions fer­ries can be can­celled to and return­ing from the islands and it is advis­able to fac­tor in extra days should this occur. 

5 Days

2 Leaders and a maximum of 5 clients

Easy. A moderate level of fitness is required as you will need to walk around half a mile a day to and from the photography locations sometimes over uneven ground.

The price includes extensive one to one tuition during the workshop.

Accommodation (on a full board basis). No single occupancy supplement. Private room with shared bathroom between two people.

Travel during the workshop.

A port­fo­lio of three of your images printed to A2 and a fine art portfolio box.

Free access to the online course 'Making the Print'

Travel to and from The Isle of Eigg (see paragraph above for details) and personal bills such as bar bills, meals not listed.

Travel and camera Insurance.

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The Isle of Eigg