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Trees in Mist by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

The Landscape Of The Yorkshire Dales

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This is a rolling landscape of many features, some of which are quite unique. There is a rich source of photographic material to explore here. The open Pennine Moors offer stunning views over the vast landscape leading to the Lakes District in the West and the North York Moors to the East.

Since aspect2i first start­ed out we have always run pho­tog­ra­phy work­shops and tours in the York­shire Dales for obvi­ous rea­sons, its beau­ti­ful! Most of our pho­tog­ra­phy work­shops and tours to date have been short and have tar­get­ed an indi­vid­ual aim such as mas­ter­ing com­po­si­tion, mas­ter­ing the tilt and shift lens or spend­ing three days mas­ter­ing infrared photography.

Limestone Pavement Yorkshire Dales by Paul Gallagher aspect2i

The York­shire Dales needs more time so we have designed this 5 day pho­tog­ra­phy work­shop so we can indulge our­selves for a lit­tle longer in this amaz­ing place. This is a rolling land­scape of many fea­tures, some of which are quite unique. The York­shire Dales is an upland Pen­nine area, most of which, was des­ig­nat­ed as a Nation­al Park in 1954 and stretch­es over 2180 square kilometres.

Prob­a­bly the most fas­ci­nat­ing aspect of this place are the car­bonif­er­ous lime­stone pave­ments which can be found through­out the park. These ancient rock for­ma­tions were cre­at­ed by retreat­ing glac­i­ers dur­ing the last ice age. But don’t be fooled into think­ing the Dales are only about lime­stone pave­ments. Of course we will vis­it places that can­not be over­looked such as Goredale Scar, Janet’s Foss, Hardraw Force and the area around Rib­ble­head, but we will also ven­ture to qui­eter, more unas­sum­ing places where the land gelt­ly undu­lates and stands of trees are perched atop lit­tle hills, and dry stone walls stretch across acres of land. It is these places that encap­su­late the essence of this amaz­ing landscape.

Winter Landscapes Yorkshire Dales aspect2i

There is a rich source of pho­to­graph­ic mate­r­i­al to explore here. The land­scape is lit­tered with tiny lanes that wind up and down the Dales pass­ing ancient farm­steads, old stone barns in fields and pock­ets of ancient wood­land with tall, mature beech trees. The rivers and water­falls in the York­shire Dales are plen­ti­ful and we will cer­tain­ly be spend­ing some time explor­ing them.

Swaledale Yorkshire Dales by Michael Pilkington aspect2i

This pho­tog­ra­phy work­shop will cov­er large parts of the Dales so you can expe­ri­ence many of the stun­ning fea­tures this area has to offer. We will be based in the south, quite close to the beau­ti­ful Scale­ber Force and Mal­ham Cove, but we will be trav­el­ing as far north as Keld, as far West as Ingle­ton and as far East as Aysgarth stop­ping at many amaz­ing loca­tions on the way.

Infrared Yorkshire Dales by Michael Pilkington aspect2i

It is true to say that the York­shire Dales is still a place where you feel you are get­ting away from the crowds and see­ing a land that is fixed in time and ooz­ing with char­ac­ter and charm. If you want to spend time with friend­ly, like-mind­ed peo­ple and learn from Paul Gal­lagher and Michael Pilk­ing­ton who have been pho­tograph­ing these Dales for many, many years, then we are sure this will be a fit­ting escape. We will be on hand at all times to offer his expe­ri­ence and enthu­si­asm and share ideas with you when­ev­er you want. We will also have the occa­sion­al image review in the evenings and we will offer you guid­ance on how to get the very best from your time on this pho­tog­ra­phy workshop.

Dentdale Viaduct  by Michael Pilkington aspect2i

One of the aims of this work­shop is to delve deep­er into how you want to por­tray this beau­ti­ful and often com­plex land­scape. We will active­ly encour­age cre­ativ­i­ty and the free­dom to take your time, soak up the moment and explore your­self as a photographer. 

Yorkshire Dales by Michael Pilkington aspect2i
Treeline in Snow Yorkshire Dales  aspect2i

5 Days

1 leaders to a maximum of 6 participants

Moderate. Some path walking but short distances


The price includes extensive one to one coaching and tuition, bed and breakfast accommodation in a high quality hotel (no single occupancy supplement) during the workshop.

Camera and travel insurance as well as travel to and from the venue are also not included. Meals not mentioned. Alcoholic drinks and other personal expenditure is not covered either.