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The Landscapes of Snowdonia by Greg Whitton aspect2i

The Landscapes of Snowdonia

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Established in 1951 as the third national park in Britain and covering over 800 square miles, Snowdonia contains the highest mountain in Wales (Snowdon) and 13 other peaks over 3000ft.

It’s been a few years since Aspect2i last ran a work­shop in Snow­do­nia and to be hon­est, we don’t know why, it’s breath­tak­ing­ly beau­ti­ful, dra­mat­ic and unique! Sit­u­at­ed in the north­west of the coun­try and with good trans­port links to the major arter­ies, Snow­do­nia has it all. Beau­ti­ful coast­line with rolling sand dunes, wild moor­land, dense ever­green and decid­u­ous for­est, roar­ing rivers and water­falls, gen­tile lakes, low rolling hills and mighty mon­sters of sheer bro­ken rock as well as a deeply embed­ded indus­tri­al heritage.

The Landscapes of Snowdonia by Greg Whitton Photography aspect2i

The land­scape itself was carved into its cur­rent form by the last ice age when mas­sive glac­i­ers cre­at­ed the deep cwm’s and val­leys, some of the ice sheets mea­sur­ing as deep as the moun­tains are tall. Evi­dence of this is strewn across the park as well as the clear signs of vol­canic activ­i­ty mil­lions of years ago. Snow­do­nia is the per­fect back­drop to grand vista images, but she also holds many secrets and is a per­fect sub­ject for more inti­mate land­scape photography.

The Landscapes of Snowdonia by Greg Whitton  aspect2i

We will have ample time on our work­shop to explore many of the high­lights of the area from our base in Capel-Curig, such as Cwm Idw­al, Llyn Gwynant, Dinor­wic Quar­ry and parts of Snow­don itself, but we will also ven­ture to less­er known spots, some of which haven’t even fea­tured yet on the land­scape pho­tog­ra­phy roadmaps of oth­er workshops.

Due to its loca­tion right next to the Irish sea, and the topog­ra­phy of the land­scape, the weath­er in Snow­do­nia can be vari­able to say the least. This makes for mas­sive tran­si­tions in con­di­tions with­in hours or even min­utes, but even if the weath­er is inclement, there is always some­thing to pho­to­graph and rest assured, we will guide you to it.

The days are long in April, so we will take our time allow­ing plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ty for 1 to 1 tuition and guid­ance on both the tech­ni­cal aspects of land­scape pho­tog­ra­phy as well as focus­ing on the art of what makes a good pho­to­graph. Any­one can take a pho­to, it takes years of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence to make a good one and Paul and Greg are the per­fect peo­ple to give you the ben­e­fit of their expe­ri­ence and trans­fer their knowl­edge to help you.

5 Days

2 leaders with a maximum of 8 Participants

Moderate. Some short hill walking.

Tyn y Coed Hotel

View Accommodation

The price includes extensive one to one coaching and tuition, bed and breakfast accommodation in a high quality hotel (no single occupancy supplement) during the workshop.

Camera and travel insurance as well as travel to and from the venue are also not included. Meals not mentioned. Alcoholic drinks and other personal expenditure is not covered either.