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The Ultimate Western Highlands

17th - 24th November, 2024 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS - Scotland - Fully Booked - Join The Waiting List
29th September - 6th October, 2025 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS - Scotland - £2,950.00 (£590.00 Deposit) - 1 Place Left

For anyone with a passion for landscape photography, an inevitable list of wonderous places spring to mind, and ever present on that list will be the Highlands of Scotland.

We take peo­ple all over the world on pho­tog­ra­phy tours to far flung places, and wher­ev­er we have been, and of all the pho­tog­ra­phers we have met, they always speak of the stag­ger­ing beau­ty of the Highlands.

In years gone by we have cho­sen par­tic­u­lar areas of Scot­land to vis­it with tours result­ing in over a decade of hap­py mem­o­ries of the times we have had. As a cel­e­bra­tion of our absolute devo­tion for Scot­land, we have decid­ed to cre­ate the trip of a life­time trav­el­ing to the unques­tion­able very best this part of Scot­land offers the land­scape photographer.

This tour will span eight days of adven­ture begin­ning and con­clud­ing in the cap­i­tal of the High­lands, Inver­ness. The land­scapes of this part of the coun­try present some of the most diverse loca­tions the ded­i­cat­ed pho­tog­ra­ph­er could ever hope to expe­ri­ence. There are far too many places to list here, but be assured, they will be the gems we have ever dis­cov­ered in the many years of pho­tograph­ing this wilderness.

We will take you to the very far north of the main­land explor­ing the coast look­ing out over the vast north­ern seas. From here we will trav­el through the wilder­ness of Suther­land slow­ly head­ing south tak­ing in the won­ders of the Assynt and West­er Ross before ven­tur­ing into the breath­tak­ing sur­round­ings of Tor­ri­don, Apple­cross and the Kyle of Lochalsh.

In the south we will take the bridge over to the Isle of Skye in the Inner Hebrides to pho­to­graph some of the won­ders of its land­scape, before head­ing north along the shores of Loch Ness arriv­ing back at Inverness. 

Dur­ing our tour we will vis­it many of the glens cut deep by the Late Deven­sian Glacia­tion over ten thou­sand years ago that now hold the deep dark waters of Scotland’s many vast lochs. Wher­ev­er there are lochs, there are moun­tains which we will be sur­round­ed by, and trav­el through some of the most cap­ti­vat­ing moun­tain scenery almost every day.

From the lochs, rivers always flow, head­ing towards the sea. The rivers of the west­ern High­lands often flow rapid­ly and are beau­ti­ful­ly peaty and dark with many a cas­cade and water­fall. We will nev­er be far away from the river­banks and amidst the trees that often sur­round them.

When you walk into some of the wood­lands of the High­lands you feel like you are walk­ing back in time. They feel untouched, mys­ti­cal places where we will lose our­selves in our pho­tog­ra­phy. Our tour will vis­it some of the ancient wood­lands untouched for thou­sands of years, dense in beech, oak and moun­tain ash. Along with mature wood­lands, we will ded­i­cate time in the sil­ver birch wood­lands, ubiq­ui­tous in all of Scot­land, that perch them­selves on the hill­sides with their twist­ed branch­es, com­mon­ly draped in lichen.

No tour of Scotland’s west­ern High­lands would be com­plete with­out spend­ing time on its world-famous coast­line. There is an almost infi­nite choice of rocky bays that boast some of the world’s old­est geol­o­gy with wave cut plat­forms and sea stacks. The pris­tine sandy bays are unmatched in their beau­ty, and we will wend away many an hour with our cam­eras look­ing out over the turquoise seas towards the sur­round­ing moun­tain ranges wit­ness­ing the weath­er and light rapid­ly change as it often does here.

This tour is the ulti­mate pho­to­graph­ic adven­ture to the very best land­scapes in the West­ern High­lands, arguably the world, and lim­it­ed to only six peo­ple. Paul and Michael will always be on hand to offer advice and work with you on your pho­tog­ra­phy, and as always, we will set some time aside to share your images and have an infor­mal image review.

8 Days

1 leaders with a maximum of 6 participants



The price includes extensive one to one tuition during the workshop

accommodation (on a bed and breakfast basis) No single occupancy


Travel during the workshop.

Free transportation can be arranged to and from Preston, Lancashire, if required.

Travel to and from the location and personal bills such as bar bills, meals not listed. Travel and camera Insurance.

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The Ultimate Western Highlands