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The Woodlands of Lancashire - A Personal Perspective

19th - 22nd May, 2025 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS - Lancashire - £2,250.00 - 3 Places Left

Over several years Paul Gallagher has embarked on a personal project of photographing the many enchanted woodlands of Lancashire and on this workshop he will share with you those special places he has discovered.

When choos­ing a work­shop one of the qual­i­ties that is of upmost impor­tance to the pho­tog­ra­ph­er con­sid­er­ing attend­ing is the reas­sur­ance that the leader knows the loca­tions well. This work­shop led by Paul Gal­lagher and Michael Pilk­ing­ton has been cre­at­ed not only because Paul knows and lives in the area, but he has found some of his most expres­sive work in these woodlands. 

Sev­er­al years ago, Paul expe­ri­enced some­thing of a tran­si­tion in his work, or more impor­tant­ly, in his approach to his pho­tog­ra­phy. Paul spends much of his year trav­el­ing the world lead­ing work­shops in some of the most cap­ti­vat­ing land­scapes. Giv­en the fre­quen­cy of his trav­el, on his return home he put his cam­era away and left work behind, and for plea­sure, walk miles in the coun­try­side of his sur­round­ing Lan­cashire. It was at this point that he realised that his life­long pas­sion was almost being con­fined to work, and also, he did not the see’ beau­ty of land­scapes where he lived.

He set to change this and began walk­ing from home with his cam­era, slow­ing down an mak­ing a con­nec­tion. The envi­ron­ment he grav­i­tat­ed to the most were the plen­ti­ful mature wood­lands of Lan­cashire. Some of these wood­lands wrap them­selves around Paul’s home in a pro­tect­ed val­ley park, oth­ers con­sist of ancient beech wood­lands cling­ing to the flanks of the Pen­nine Moors whilst close to Chor­ley itself there are the mag­nif­i­cent wood­lands that fol­low the mean­der­ing path of the Riv­er Yarrow. 

It is all very easy to over­look the nature that sur­rounds us and the beau­ty we take for grant­ed. Now has come the time were Paul would like to share with you these places of con­tent­ment and solace. Dur­ing our time in these beau­ti­ful sur­round­ings, you will be encour­aged to take your time and relax into the expe­ri­ence of being there and mak­ing pho­tographs that are unique to you as opposed to striv­ing for an impact­ful tro­phy image to share on social media. We will not be dash­ing from loca­tion to loca­tion, but enjoy­ing con­tem­pla­tive times in beau­ti­ful land­scapes. We want to engage in ques­tions, con­ver­sa­tion and intrigue, all the time allow­ing your­self to be as cre­ative as you feel. All approach­es to pho­tog­ra­phy will be wel­comed. This work­shop is designed for you to wan­der freely and make a per­son­al con­nec­tion with how you feel about your surroundings.

Half of our time dur­ing this work­shop will be spent in the wood­lands and the oth­er half back in our meet­ing room. Through­out the work­shop you will have Paul Gal­lagher FRPS and Michael Pilk­ing­ton FRPS on hand to share and dis­cuss your images guide you through any image inter­pre­ta­tion, post pro­cess­ing, and print­ing tuition.

Paul and Michael will encour­age you to con­nect with the world about you and work slow­ly. What­ev­er your lev­el of expe­ri­ence, we will be there to encour­age and inspire in an entire­ly non-judge­men­tal way. 

4 Days

6 participants with two leaders


For this photography retreat we will be based in the Shawhill Spa Hotel within its own extensive grounds with our own private meeting room. All meals are also included.

View Accommodation

A unique experience exploring your own photography.

Transportation during the workshop.

Accommodation on a full board basis (no single supplement).

Extensive coaching and tuition from Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS.

Lectures from Paul and Michael in our dedicated meeting room and demonstrations on image editing.

Two A2 prints of your work created during the workshop and presented in a portfolio box.

Travel to and from the workshop location.

Camera and travel insurance.

Personal expenses such as bar bills.

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The Woodlands of Lancashire - A Personal Perspective