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Ghosts on the Winter Plains

24th November - 3rd December, 2025 - with Paul Gallagher FRPS and Michael Pilkington FRPS - Montana and North Dakota - £4,795.00 (£995.00 Deposit) - 2 Places Left

Imagine leaving busy cities behind, taking the open road, and heading into a pristine landscape that stretches for miles, as far as the eyes can see. Montana and North Dakota in winter are places that are hard to grasp. As we leave Billings where we begin our tour, the highways stretch out in straight lines across vast plains covered in snow beneath huge skies and pass through quiet railway towns that feel like they are relics of historic America, literally frozen in time.

Dur­ing the win­ter months Mon­tana and North Dako­ta see, tem­per­a­tures that drop to sub-zero for months, the win­ter snows arrive, and every­thing found here is cov­ered in ice and frosts. There is a blend of beau­ty and eeri­ness pho­tograph­ing these places when all you can hear is the breeze blow­ing and the clink­ing sound of the vehi­cles cool­ing down after we arrive at our destination.

In amongst these seem­ing­ly emp­ty land­scapes are icons of a past era, a time that proved too much for its farm­ing inhab­i­tants with win­ters too harsh and sum­mers so hot they turned the soils into dust. It is not uncom­mon to dri­ve the roads and see a church spire appear on a per­fect­ly flat hori­zon, the only remain­ing sign of a once thriv­ing farm­ing set­tle­ment. This land­scape is lit­tered with dete­ri­o­rat­ing school­hous­es, grain ele­va­tors and many clas­sic Amer­i­can cars which are all found sur­round­ed by vast farm fields, and dur­ing the cold win­ter months, there is a sense of bleak­ness that makes pho­tographs of these places even more beautiful.

Along with the aban­doned town­ships and home­steads, are the land­scapes in which they sit. Dur­ing the win­ter they are spell­bind­ing. The sun is low in the skies giv­ing way to beau­ti­ful warm light, and if cloud arrives, the big skies’ are like no oth­er, a rare oppor­tu­ni­ty to wit­ness the sky meet­ing the land and that amaz­ing the­atre of light. The wood­lands and trees that occu­py the riv­er edges or sur­round the larg­er aban­doned set­tle­ments, become stud­ies in their own right, draped in rime ice crys­tals that glis­ten in the sun, or become faint sil­hou­ettes in the win­ter mists. 

This brand new work­shop will be an expe­ri­ence like no oth­er, trav­el­ling to places that are utter­ly fas­ci­nat­ing, and made all the more intrigu­ing by the win­ter con­di­tions. We will be explor­ing the snow-cov­ered grav­el roads in 4 x 4 vehi­cles to get to the hid­den ghost towns sus­pend­ed in time. This is a tour that will trans­form the way you see Amer­i­ca and forge mem­o­ries that will last a life­time, and present you with pho­to­graph­ic oppor­tu­ni­ties nev­er expe­ri­enced before. 

10 Days

2 leaders with a maximum of 6 participants

Easy - some slippery conditions with snow and ice

Various Hotels

The price includes extensive one to one tuition with Paul and Michael during the workshop, accommodation on bed and breakfast basis and travel during the workshop including transfers to and from the airport in Billings, Montana. No single occupancy supplement.

Travel to and from Billings, personal bills such as bar bills, meals not listed. Travel and camera Insurance.

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Ghosts on the Winter Plains